“The spiritual path is the only one that leads … nowhere*. So you may as well enjoy the ride”
Conversations about consciousness, innate paths and modern life. With beings far too wise for me 👀 🧘
Playful yet profound conversations, with deeply embodied teachers of different paths. Bringing their energy, practices & realisations into our modern lives. oh, and hopefully laughing lots along the way.
Are you ready, seeker?
Why Though
Hidden around the world, are highly conscious beings. Who’ve dedicated their entire lives to their paths.
Perhaps you’ve met one...
A twinkle of knowing in their eyes.
Wisdom, earned from years and years of dedicated practice.
A stillness of presence.
Around them, you feel lighter. More aware. And their teachings resonate … feeling more like rememberings to you.
But here’s the thing.
Most of these teachers are hard to find. Because they don’t play by the rules of capitalism. They’re not trying to double their income or triple their follower count.
Through running Innate, I’m lucky enough to meet some of them. I want to share their energies, learnings and practices with fellow modern seekers. So that we can flourish on our own paths, in this wild ride that we call life.